88 research outputs found

    Some properties concerning the quasi-inverse of a T-norm

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    Some properties of the quasi-inverse operators are presented. They are basic tools in order to reduce complex expressions involving several of such operators. An effective calculation for the quasi-inverse of a continuous t-norm is also provided.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Acciones de grupos borrosas

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    Este trabajo generaliza (fuzzifica) las acciones de un grupo sobre un conjunto para tratar situaciones donde hay imprecisión e incertidumbre. Las acciones borrosas pueden tratar la granularidad de un conjunto o incluso generarla definiendo una relación de equivalencia borrosa en él.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Characterization of unidimensional averaged similarities

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    A T-indistinguishability operator (or fuzzy similarity relation) E is called unidimensional when it may be obtained from one single fuzzy subset (or fuzzy criterion). In this paper, we study when a T-indistinguishability operator that has been obtained as an average of many unidimensional ones is unidimensional too. In this case, the single fuzzy subset used to generate E is explicitly obtained as the quasi-arithmetic mean of all the fuzzy criteria primarily involved in the construction of E.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the relationship between fuzzy subgroups and indistinguishability operators

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    Fuzzy subgroups are revisited considering their close relationship with indistinguishability operators (fuzzy equivalences) invariant under translations. Different ways to obtain new fuzzy subgroups from a given one are provided and different ways to characterize normal fuzzy subgroups are obtained. The idea of double coset of two (crisp) subgroups allow us to relate them via their equivalence classes. This is generalized to the fuzzy framework. The conditions in which a fuzzy relation R on a group G can be considered a fuzzy subgroup of G × G are obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reduction of attributes in averaged similarities

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    Similarity Relations may be constructed from a set of fuzzy attributes. Each fuzzy attribute generates a simple similarity, and these simple similarities are combined into a complex similarity afterwards. The Representation Theorem establishes one such way of combining similarities, while averaging them is a different and more realistic approach in applied domains. In this paper, given an averaged similarity by a family of attributes, we propose a method to find families of new attributes having fewer elements that generate the same similarity. More generally, the paper studies the structure of this important class of fuzzy relations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Generation and Characterization of Fuzzy T-preorders

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    This article studies T-preorders that can be generated in a natural way by a single fuzzy subset. These T-preorders are called one-dimensional and are of great importance, because every T-preorder can be generated by combining one-dimensional T-preorders.; In this article, the relation between fuzzy subsets generating the same T-preorder is given, and one-dimensional T-preorders are characterized in two different ways: They generate linear crisp orderings on X and they satisfy a Sincov-like functional equation. This last characterization is used to approximate a given T-preorder by a one-dimensional one by relating the issue to Saaty matrices used in the Analytical Hierarchical Process. Finally, strong complete T-preorders, important in decision-making problems, are also characterized.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    On the degree of transitivity of a fuzzy relation

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    Considering a family generated from a t-norm T, the degree of T-transitivity of a fuzzy relation R is revisited and proved to coincide with the greatest c for which R is -transitive. This fact gives rise to the study of new families of t-norms to generate different degrees of transitivity with respect to them. The mappings transforming fuzzy relations into transitive fuzzy relations smaller than or equal to the given ones are studied.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A map characterizing the fuzzy points and columns of a T-indistinguishability operator

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    A new map (ΛE) between fuzzy subsets of a universe X endowed with a T-indistinguishability operator E is introduced. The main feature of ΛE is that it has the columns of E as fixed points, and thus it provides us with a new criterion to decide whether a generator is a column. Two well known maps (φE and ψE) are also reviewed, in order to compare them with ΛE. Interesting properties of the fixed points of ΛE and Λ2 E are studied. Among others, the fixed points of ΛE (Fix(ΛE)) are proved to be the maximal fuzzy points of (X,E) and the fixed points of Λ2 E coincide with the Image of ΛE. An isometric embedding of X into Fix(ΛE) is established and studied
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